Simon’s story
Following a brain tumour, Simon’s life changed massively. With support, Simon was able to adapt and has now started a new job.
Following a brain tumour, which resulted in significant cognitive fatigue and sight loss, Simon’s life changed massively. He was no longer able to return to his job as a Warehouse Assistant and was starting to feel his life had no purpose. With his confidence taking a dive, and now facing new challenges to learning and remembering information, Simon questioned his ability to find a job he felt he could do. He also recognised he needed support to regain his confidence and independence.
Living in Lincolnshire, Simon was able to access BID’s remote Employment Service, which helps those who are Deaf, hard of hearing or sight impaired to access education, training or employment. Initially our team worked with Simon to help him build his confidence. Simon also took part in a six-week RNIB course called ‘Living with Sight Loss’, where he met people in similar circumstances. This helped him see how he could adapt his lifestyle and accept his new circumstances. He also joined a befriending service and had a buddy who called Simon every week for a chat. Over time Simon became more confident going out of the house and began to complete short, familiar journeys independently.
Simon’s goal was to find employment so we helped him to learn interview techniques and tips and take part in mock interviews. We also helped with CV preparation. With his confidence growing, Simon felt he was ready to apply for jobs, but due to the pandemic he was not hearing back from potential employers which started to knock his confidence. Our team arranged for Simon to complete a two-week disability programme at Tesco, where he was buddied up with someone who provided support and guidance on the tasks. At the end of the two weeks Simon had a better understanding of different roles and realised he would be able to complete certain roles within the retail sector, helping build his confidence.
All of Simon’s hard work was rewarded when he had a successful interview at his village Co-Op where he was offered a contract for 8 hours a week.
‘I have now started my new job and am finding the Co-Op team supportive and friendly feel I finally I have a purpose again and am feeling so much happier.’