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Safety at home
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Hard of Hearing Communication Tactics
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If you would like to receive the information in a different format, such as Braille,…
If you would like to receive the information in a different format, such as Braille,…
Interview Tips
BSL and text only versions of this factsheet are available further down this page. If…
Common questions about menopause
In these videos medical professionals from My Menopause centre, with the help of Holland & Barrett, answer questions people often ask about the menopause, BSL is provided throughout.
Menopause workshops
Noticed a change in your periods? Watch our accessible videos with BSL interpreters to learn how the menopause can affect your life and body.
BSL menopause resources
Noticed a change in your periods? Watch our accessible videos with BSL interpreters to learn how the menopause can affect your life and body.