Jamie’s story
We want to share some brilliant feedback that Paul from our Solihull Sensory Services team has received from a service user he recently supported!
“Paul listened to my father’s needs and worries and put him at ease. I shall be advising people about BID Services and where they are situated in Solihull, I think more people need to know about this excellent service.”
Paul arranged to home visit to Jamie* following his discharge from hospital. His daughter was present and explained that Jamie now has poor hearing, vision and mobility issues. After spending some time with Jamie and assessing his needs, Paul arranged and gave advice on the following:
- A referral to West Midlands Fire Services who will arrange a home visit to provide and fit flashing smoke detectors, a vibrating pillow pad and strobe light at the side of Jamie’s bed. They’ll also work with him to find the best possible fire escape route should he ever need it.
- Planned for more in depth support to be delivered to Jamie with support of the wider Solihull Sensory Services team. Jamie has wet macular degeneration and cataracts which leaves him with cloudy vision, resulting in eye strain when he reads. Our team will provide Jamie with a bright lamp to help prevent this.
- Making contact with Solihull Borough Talking Newspaper Association – a service which reads aloud the latest news and events, saves the recording onto a USB stick and can send directly to Jamie, along with a device to play it on.
- A TV licence and application form/benefits information.
- Put Jamie in contact with the adult social work team who can give Jamie a care assessment and put a care package in place.
- A meeting with Solihull Community housing to help Jamie navigate potential hazards around the house.
- A list of contacts from Age UK to provide Jamie support with home maintenance such as: gardening, plumbing heating & electrics, computers, telephones etc.

“It makes me feel like I have helped to make a positive change to client’s lives to promote independence and this can be incredibly rewarding, especially the when the outcomes are as positive as this one. Although this role can be challenging at times, making such a valuable difference to someone’s life bring me a sense of satisfaction and purpose – to receive such lovely feedback is a huge bonus!”
– Paul, Specialist Community Sensory Officer
If you’re looking for support around Solihull, please visit our page and get in touch https://www.bid.org.uk/locations/solihull/
To see if we can offer support in other areas of the country, take a look at our main services page https://www.bid.org.uk/
*The name of the service user in this case study has been changed for anonymity.