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BASS IAG Community drop-in at Northfield Baptist Church

8 April @ 10:00 am 1:00 pm

Do you live in Birmingham/Northfield?

Are you deaf or have hearing loss?

Do you need information or advice?

We can provide support with health and wellbeing, benefits, housing support and digital skills.

We can also help those recently diagnosed with hearing loss.

Come to our free community drop-in at Northfield.

When? Once every month on Tuesdays from 10am – 1pm.

Where? Northfield Baptist Church, 789 Bristol Road South, Birmingham, B31 2NQ.

Contact Birmingham Advice and Support Service (BASS).

Tel 0121 450 5121

Mobile 07872 403785

Text/video call 07563 022001 / 07702 532736


789 Bristol Road South
Birmingham, B31 2NQ United Kingdom
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